Our Policies
South Otago Kindergartens
Curriculum Implementation Policy
- Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 2008: Reg 47 GMA 5,
- Licensing Criteria for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres 2008 and Early Childhood Education and Care centres 2008 and Early childhood Framework, August 2009
- Te Whāriki, 1996
- Kei Tua o te Pae, Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars
To implement curriculum that is consistent with Te Whāriki and to ensure that processes for assessment, planning and evaluation of children’s learning are:
- consistent with current theory and practice;
- respect children as competent and confident learners and communicators.
- Each kindergarten will review their philosophy statement at the beginning of each year and forward it through to the Senior Teacher. This statement will convey the kindergarten community’s beliefs, values and attitudes about what they provide for their children in their kindergartens.
- Teaching teams will develop a social cultural approach for assessment, planning and evaluation which is underpinned by the principles, strands and goals of Te Whāriki.
- Teaching teams will develop a procedure that outlines how they plan, implement, evaluate and document the curriculum that is designed to enhance children’s learning and development through provision of learning experiences that are consistent with Te Whāriki and that:
a. (i) respond to the learning interests, strengths and capabilities of all children;
(ii) provide a positive learning environment for children;
(iii) reflect an understanding of learning and development that is consistent with current research, theory, and practice in early childhood education;.
(iv) acknowledge and reflect the unique place of Māori as tangata whenua;
(v) encourage children to be confident in their own culture and develop an understanding and respect for other cultures;
(vi) respect and acknowledges the aspirations of parents, family, and whānau;
(b) make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the kindergarten collaborates with the parents and where appropriate, the family or whānau of the children in relation to the learning and development of, and decision making about, those children; and
(c) obtain information and guidance from agencies with expertise in early childhood learning and development, to the extent necessary to:
(i) support the learning and development of children; and
(ii) work effectively with parents and, where appropriate, family and whānau.
- Teachers will display and share the learning that is happening within the kindergarten. This documentation needs to be clearly communicated, relevant and meaningful.
- Each child has a portfolio which contains documentation of their learning. Portfolios will be stored and displayed in such a way that enables children and their families/whānau to easily access them and revisit the children’s learning.
Procedures relating to this policy
- Diversity
- Philosophy Statement - individual kindergartens
- Planning, implementation and evaluation procedure - individual kindergartens
Review Date: February 2015
- Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 2008: , Reg 47 1 and 2.
The Board of Trustees is entrusted to work on behalf of the stakeholders in a strategic role in the governance of the kindergartens, ensuring legal and policy compliance requirements are met in a structured and timely fashion.
· The focus of all decision making is improving learning outcomes for our children
· To ensure the Board’ policies, planning and decision making procedures and structures are regularly reviewed
· The Board regularly uses the outcomes of these reviews to improve policies, procedures and structures.
· The Board continues to set strategic directions and long term plans and monitors the BoT’s progress against them
- The Board is committed to ethical conduct in all areas of its responsibility and authority.
- Trustees are guided by the South Otago Kindergartens Board Code of Behaviour
- A review of Board member’s roles and responsibilities will take place annually when going through the induction process. The basis shall be this Policy, Board member and Chairperson’s position descriptions and the Code of Behaviour
- A review of the Board’s meeting processes and procedures shall take place regularly to determine
- The degree to which they have met their objective
- How effectively outcomes have been implemented
- Consultation with the community and staff of the Kindergartens shall occur on Board identified priorities.
- Board decisions and priorities will be regularly communicated to the community and staff.
- The Board will be informed of curriculum delivery and strategic results through the Senior Teacher at each meeting and presentations by the individual kindergartens at the AGM
- Board Policies will be reviewed to ensure their relevance and compliance with regulations
- Results from reviews and consultations will be used to identify possible changes to improve policies, procedures and structures.
Procedures relating to this policy
- Board code of behaviour
- Conflict of Interest
- Meetings and Conferences
- Chairpersons role
- Staff Representative role
- Meeting procedure and protocols
- Public attending board meetings
- Board review of governance
- Committees and delegations
- Reduction in rolls
- Enrolment, waiting list, transfers and leave
- Management procedure
- Property and Equipment
Review Date: February 2015
The board delegates responsibility to the Senior Teacher and the Staffing Committee on all matters relating to the management of staff in the expectation that they will be managed in a sound, fair, and respectful manner in accordance with the current terms of employment documents and identified good practice. Therefore, they may not fail to:
- ensure that employees are not discriminated against and use clear job-related criteria, individual performance or qualifications in decision making.
- ensure all employees have their rights to personal dignity, safety and access to an approved and fair internal grievance process
- ensure that all required staff are registered or have a current Limited Authority to Teach.
- provide a smoke free environment
- provide for all staff an employment agreement
- provide a suitable professional development programme which takes into consideration the requirements of the strategic and annual plans
- carry out annual performance appraisals
- meet current employment legislation
- take reasonable steps to protect staff from unsafe or unhealthy working conditions
- meet the requirements of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
- provide Protected Disclosure protection
Procedures relating to this policy
- Equal Employment Opportunities
- Self Review and performance monitoring
- Induction
- Media
- Appointment of Teaching Staff
- Staff Protection
- Special Purpose Leave
- Relieving
- Performance Management Systems
- Salary Progression/Professional Standards and Review Process
- Disciplinary and Suspension and Competency Procedures
- Performance Appraisal /Professional Development
- Term Dates
- Non smoking
Review Date: February 2015
Financial Policy
Financial Planning
The South Otago Kindergarten Association Board has overall responsibility for the financial management of the Association but delegates the day-to-day management of the Associations finance and budget to the management team. The management team is responsible for recommending an annual operating and capital budget to the board within the timelines specified.
Budgeting shall not fail to reflect the annual plan, risk financial jeopardy nor fail to show a generally acceptable level of foresight. Thus the budget should not neglect to:
1. Reflect the results sought by the board
2. Reflect the priorities as established by the board
3. Comply with the board’s requirement of a balanced budget
4. Ensure adequate working capital
5. Demonstrate an appropriate degree of conservatism in all estimates
Financial condition
The financial viability of the kindergartens must be protected at all times. The board understands that the possibility of theft or fraud cannot be entirely eliminated however the management team is required to show there are in place safeguards and robust, clear procedures to minimise the risk of either event. The management team shall not:
1. Incur unauthorized debt
2. Violate generally accepted accounting practices or principles
3. Use tagged funds for purposes other than those approved
4. Spend more funds than have been allocated in the fiscal year without Board approval
5. Fail to ensure all money owed to the kindergartens is collected in a timely manner
6. Fail to make timely payment to staff and other creditors
7. Sell or purchase unauthorized property
8. Fail in ensure that all relevant government returns are completed on time
9. Fail to ensure that no one person has complete authority over the association financial transactions.
10. Make any purchase:
Procedures relating to this policy
The South Otago Kindergarten Association Board has overall responsibility for the financial management of the Association but delegates the day-to-day management of the Associations finance and budget to the management team. The management team is responsible for recommending an annual operating and capital budget to the board within the timelines specified.
Budgeting shall not fail to reflect the annual plan, risk financial jeopardy nor fail to show a generally acceptable level of foresight. Thus the budget should not neglect to:
1. Reflect the results sought by the board
2. Reflect the priorities as established by the board
3. Comply with the board’s requirement of a balanced budget
4. Ensure adequate working capital
5. Demonstrate an appropriate degree of conservatism in all estimates
Financial condition
The financial viability of the kindergartens must be protected at all times. The board understands that the possibility of theft or fraud cannot be entirely eliminated however the management team is required to show there are in place safeguards and robust, clear procedures to minimise the risk of either event. The management team shall not:
1. Incur unauthorized debt
2. Violate generally accepted accounting practices or principles
3. Use tagged funds for purposes other than those approved
4. Spend more funds than have been allocated in the fiscal year without Board approval
5. Fail to ensure all money owed to the kindergartens is collected in a timely manner
6. Fail to make timely payment to staff and other creditors
7. Sell or purchase unauthorized property
8. Fail in ensure that all relevant government returns are completed on time
9. Fail to ensure that no one person has complete authority over the association financial transactions.
10. Make any purchase:
- Without having obtained comparative prices and quality
- Without an adequate review on on-going costs, value and reliability
- Of over $500.00 on a single item without first seeking board approval
Procedures relating to this policy
- Expected payments
- Gifts and donations
1. All reasonable steps to protect students, staff and visitors to the kindergartens from unsafe or unhealthy conditions
2. ensure there are effective processes in place for dealing with behavioral issues
3. South Otago Kindergartens will comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
4. The kindergarten grounds and buildings will be smoke free environment
5. A risk analysis is carried out where and when appropriate
6. Privacy will be provided for personal documentation held at the kindergartens and Associations office
7. The board chair will be advised of any emergency situations as soon as possible
8. All actual or potential hazards, as defined by the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 are identified and recorded in the Hazard Register which is kept on site in each kindergarten
9. Significant steps are taken to eliminate, isolate or minimize such hazards
10. Procedures are in -place for dealing with emergencies that may arise while the kindergartens are in operation
11. Health and safety information is available to all staff and training is given if required
12. Individual staff members are responsible for making themselves aware of practices, routines, safety equipment, and procedures that operate within the kindergartens
13. An up to date accident and incident register is kept in the kindergartens
Procedures relating to this policy
Review Date: February 2015
- Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 2008: , Reg 46 1 and 2.
1. All reasonable steps to protect students, staff and visitors to the kindergartens from unsafe or unhealthy conditions
2. ensure there are effective processes in place for dealing with behavioral issues
3. South Otago Kindergartens will comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992
4. The kindergarten grounds and buildings will be smoke free environment
5. A risk analysis is carried out where and when appropriate
6. Privacy will be provided for personal documentation held at the kindergartens and Associations office
7. The board chair will be advised of any emergency situations as soon as possible
8. All actual or potential hazards, as defined by the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 are identified and recorded in the Hazard Register which is kept on site in each kindergarten
9. Significant steps are taken to eliminate, isolate or minimize such hazards
10. Procedures are in -place for dealing with emergencies that may arise while the kindergartens are in operation
11. Health and safety information is available to all staff and training is given if required
12. Individual staff members are responsible for making themselves aware of practices, routines, safety equipment, and procedures that operate within the kindergartens
13. An up to date accident and incident register is kept in the kindergartens
Procedures relating to this policy
- Child Health (Accident/Incident)
- Blood Borne Virus
- Food and Drink
- Child Protection (Collection of children)
- Positive Guidance
- Cyber Safety
- Excursions
- Crisis Intervention
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Sleep
- Visitors to kindergarten
- Investigating Concerns
Review Date: February 2015